
Some athletes gave us their testimony. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

joaomarinhoJoão Marinho | Individual Athlete | Trail da Lousã
www.joaomarinho.com - 11-11-2012

"Much could be said about the route , but I only say that it was one of the most beautiful proofs I did in my entire life. Endless climbs like walls testing all our capacity of suffering, technical tracks with many stairs, sometimes climbing sometimes going down. And the passages in the Schist Villages? Simlpy heavenly! I strongly advise to come here, either to run or to walk, it very worth.
Congratulations to GO-Outdoor by the proof. Who works for passion always reap its fruits.

Thank you Fernando, Marco and Ana!"


Jorge Marieiro | Individual Athlete | UTAX
www.uivosdelobo.blogspot.pt - 08-02-2013

"The more I read about UTAX, more pride I have in my participation!"


José Guimarães | De Sedentário a Maratonista | UTAX
http://www.desedentarioamaratonista.com/ - 16-11-2012

"There is little else to say about the race. The prises are made, not only to the beauty of a pure trail, as its hardness (because who practice Trail Running likes hardness), don't forgetting the fabulous organization, that by the sympathy and professionalism they have obviously to be congratulated."


luis-ricardoLuís Ricardo | www.uivosdelobo.blogspot.pt |UTAX
 www.uivosdelobo.blogspot.pt - 24-05-2013


Extraordinary "Challenge" that noted my wanted return at Go Outdoor's proofs, don't being easy to find adjectives that describe by words all the moments, sensations experienced, before, during and after finish the same, once that feelings are so emotionals in their most diverse variables, through your necessary physical/mental delivery in preparation and realization, in enjoying of natural beauty of tracks of all circuit, in the magnificent familiar enironment between participants and all the Staff of the excellent organization of AXtrail,   no magnifico ambiente familiar entre participantes e todo o Staff da excelente organização do AXTrail, by Go-Outdoor...

...yet, that I watch daily the incrised suply of the offer in the modality, where unfortunately some organizations use only the word trail, I underline that through AXtrail Challenges I find as a simple sportsman that I am, the possibility of wage in the search of my own limits physical/mental, growing up and discovering more from me between the transposition of all obstacles and natural difficulties of "Challenge of Adventures in Trail Running » Pure » Hard » Genuine" that you AXtrail give us...

...grateful for everything, we return in the next Challenge, because as the photo in pack testify my arrival, my daughters ask me with sign linguage through signs of the fingers to came at the 2nd edition, as minhas filhas solicitam com linguagem gestual através de sinalética dos dedos, que venha a 2ªEdição, in an attempt to anesthetize my momentary "warpage"...

I say goodbye with a wistful hug, lfmricardo.

carlos_silvaCarlos Silva | Confraria Trotamontes|Trail da Lousã
Facebook - 26-05-2013

Your proofs are icons in Portugal. Who likes trail asks several times, so when is the Alvaiázere proof? So when is "...that fantastic weekend in Benfeita and Fajão?"

luis-matos-ferreiraLuís Matos Ferreira | Run 4 Fun|UTAX

It has been proved once again that beauty and hardness are registrated in the genetic code of AXtrail. I like very much this proofs, because they are realized in idyllic sceneries, of rare beauty, they offer technical tracks and challengers, and they have a mystique very particular. The surrounding of Schist Villages provides a magical space of enchantment. The company and the fraternity of companions of Trail make unforgettable moments of friendship and sharing easier. The walks to athlets' family very well done too because they offer an surrounding and informative experience. This was one of the proofs that I've done that had the track better marked, I never catch a wrong way nor even had doubts in any point, despite the rain, the fog and the night fall. Because all of this, my congratulations and thanks to the organization.



fernando-santosFernando Santos | Individual Athlete | UTAX
Facebook - 

To me, your Trail was the best one I've seen in Portugal mainly in terms of tracks, wich basically  is the most important. Congratulations because of the excelent Ultra, 100% pure Trail!


pedro-ferroPedro Ferrão | Individual Athlete | UTAX
http://emcasodeduvidasobe-se.blogspot.pt/ - 13-11-2012

Go outdoor is once again to be congratulated because of organization, beyond sympathy that characterizes them.